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//! additional physical rules applied
use std::time::Instant;
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_rapier2d::prelude::*;
use crate::consts::*;
pub fn setup_gravity(mut rapier_config: ResMut<RapierConfiguration>) {
if TRAINING_MODE == "swim" {
rapier_config.gravity = Vec2::ZERO;
/// Create drag force for under-water simulation
/// Cost about 5% of total running time in Physical Simulation
pub fn viscosity(mut block_q: Query<(&Collider, &Transform, &Velocity, &mut ExternalForce)>) {
let start_time = Instant::now();
// // parallel implementation, save about 3% of running time (in physical simulation)
// block_q
// .par_iter_mut()
// .for_each_mut(|(collider, transform, v, mut force)| {
// // skip objects not moving
// if v.linvel.length().abs() < EPSILON {
// return;
// }
// let cube_shape: Vec2 = collider.as_cuboid().unwrap().half_extents();
// let rotation: f32 = transform.rotation.to_axis_angle().1;
// let velocity_direction = v.linvel.normalize();
// let face_direction = Vec2::new(rotation.cos(), rotation.sin());
// let angle = velocity_direction.angle_between(face_direction).abs();
// let projected_area =
// (cube_shape.x * angle.sin().abs()) + cube_shape.y * angle.cos().abs();
// // considering changing drag_coeff
// force.force = DRAG_COEFF * (-v.linvel * projected_area);
// });
// sequencial implementation
for (collider,transform,v,mut force) in block_q.iter_mut(){
// skip objects not moving
if v.linvel.length().abs() < EPSILON{
let cube_shape: Vec2 = collider.as_cuboid().unwrap().half_extents();
let rotation: f32 = transform.rotation.to_axis_angle().1;
let velocity_direction = v.linvel.normalize();
let face_direction = Vec2::new(rotation.cos(), rotation.sin());
let angle = velocity_direction.angle_between(face_direction).abs();
let projected_area = (cube_shape.x * angle.sin().abs())
+ cube_shape.y * angle.cos().abs();
// considering changing drag_coeff
force.force = DRAG_COEFF * (-v.linvel * projected_area);
let duration = Instant::now() - start_time;
println!("viscosity: {:?}", duration);