Crate evosim

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  • blob 🔒
    basic implementation of blob (an individual virtual creature) and its builder
  • brain 🔒
    all implementation about neural networks
  • componet 🔒
    Some bevy componets don’t belongs to any module
  • consts 🔒
    all the consts
  • contorl 🔒
    update simulation once each frame, entrance of the entire contorl flow of the project
  • graphics 🔒
    Graphics, Diagnostics, Framerates, Cameras
  • io 🔒
    Import and Export the simulation, generate checkpoints
  • logger 🔒
    logger script, provide macros to log informations (basically training process) into logfile.
  • mutate 🔒
    all implementations relate to mutation
  • physics 🔒
    implementations about physical world



  • main 🔒
    Main function to start the simulation (which is a bevy app)